Legal translation in several languages
Translation plays a huge role in the Legal and Administrative fields. Lawyers work in extremely diverse areas and this demands specialisation. The same applies to Legal translators who are required to master not only the specialist language but the translation issues too.
At Dialinguo, we emphasise our experience of working in the Legal field which helps us to communicate and translate a very wide range of documents, such as:
- articles of Association for companies,
- marketing contracts,
- expert reports,
- judicial decisions,
- insurance contracts,
- Minutes of Annual General Meetings,
- miscellaneous documents forming part of the life of a
- company,
- press releases,
- Annual Reports,
Legal translation enables us to act as a partner to barristers, lawyers and administrative heads in our translation work. Legal and administrative translation requires us to research terminological terms and comparative law to make the legal principles of one country match the other.
Ensuring an excellent translation quality
The Dialinguo team meets several quality criteria:
- knowledge of the law and legal vocabulary,
- command of the source language,
- editing skills,
- confidentiality.
On this latter point, Dialinguo undertakes to maintain the strictest confidentiality about projects entrusted to us by signing a confidentiality agreement from the very start of our cooperation.
The translators in our Dialinguo network work in accordance with the following principles:
- a translator does not accept work unless they can guarantee its quality,
- the translator translates into their native language.